Health Rationale
- EduMove approaches improve physical fitness and general well-being including physical, social, emotional and psychological development.
- Regular PA is also associated with the reduction in non-communicable diseases.
- Participating in regular physical activity also help to reduce hypertension and helps reduce blood pressure.
- Participating in regular PA also Increases muscle and bone strength.
School Policy Rationale
- In many countries (including UK), schools do not provide the required amount of physical activity for all children.
- School sport excludes the less talented children.
- Sport and PE are male gender biased.
- Hours dedicated to PE compared to other subjects remain inadequate.
- EduMove creatively increases PA opportunities for all children without losing time to teach the so called important subjects.
Sport Rationale
- More opportunities for physical activity is linked to sport talent development.
- To promote sport talent development, schools must enhance opportunities for physical activity.
- EduMove promotes sport through promotion of physical fitness.
- EduMove promotes physical literacy which is a pillar for sport talent development.
- EduMove activities can be used for sport specific training.
Active Learning Rationale
- Most teaching remains teacher and not pupil centred.
- Children who don’t respond to this didactic style categorised as deficient or dull.
- Research demonstrates that most children are active learners who only learn when the lessons are engaging, enjoyable and allow children to make their own meaning.
- EduMove integrates both active learning and didactic teaching styles.
- Good students may create meaning from passive methods, but weak students do not.
Social Justice Rationale
- Lack of PA opportunities is social (in)justice issue.
- A wide range of PA opportunities are embedded in the lifestyle of middle and upper social class.
- Working class and inner city schools and children have limited space, connections, capacity, equipment and facilities for sustainable sport and PA intervention.
- Most working class children struggle with traditional (middle classed based) teaching styles.